Laugh with Ashok Rajagopalan's Ha... Ha... Hasya

Author and illustrotor Ashok Rajagopalan is out with a new chapter book for kids. Published by Tulika Books, Ha... Ha... Hasya is a humorous, entertaining book about chaos between Devas and Asuras. 1.This is your first mainstream chapter novel for kids. Did you enjoy writing it? Very much, thank you for asking! Writing funny stories is fun. I laughed at my own jokes while writing Hasya. 2. How long did you take to finish the book? Was the entire book written in a few weeks? This is awkward, but I’ll tell you the truth. I wrote the first three chapters about ten years ago, but shelved it to concentrate on my illustration projects. Then, a year ago, I submitted the three chapters with chapter outlines for the rest of the book t...