Know More About Shruthi Rao's Latest Nonfiction Releases

Author Shruthi Rao shares details about her two latest nonfiction reads for middle grade readers- India To The Rescue(Juggernaut) and Spaceship To The Universe( Duckbill) . Both the books are based on little known topics and packed with interesting information never explored before in Indian children's books. 1.What drew you to this nonfiction project on armed forces? The unique topic? - Yes. And that it was completely out of my comfort zone, and hence a splendid chance to push my limits. Also, that I knew little about the army and this was an opportunity for me to learn. 2. India to the Rescue is your first book as a co-author. Was it an easy role to fit in? - Co-author would usually suggest that the two authors wrote it together. That was not the case with this book. The original was already written and published, and had been on the market for a few years already. I had to pick it up and rework it to suit a young audience. So, it wasn't very difficult. I did appr...