Festival Stories Through The year : Guest Blog by Rachna Chhabria

Festival Stories Through The Year is Rachna Chhabria's first release with Harper Collins (India). Rachna shares her experiences while writing this book.

Rachna Chhabria is a columnist with The Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle. She writes for many newspapers, her stories have been published in several anthologies. She is the author of Lazy Worm Goes on a Journey, The Lion Who Wanted to Sing and Bunny in Search of a Name.
In the second week of July, Harper Collin’s Children’s Editor Tina Narang emailed me asking if I was willing to work on a book based on festivals. Tina was my editor at Scholastic. I was initially hesitant as this was a non-fiction project and also because of the time crunch, I had to submit the book by the end of the month. Nevertheless, I took it up as a challenge. After brainstorming, Tina and I decided to create a group of characters who would celebrate all the festivals.
Luckily for me, two years back I had written an article on few festivals for an Oxford University Press textbook (the editor had emailed me some research links), and this year I had written a small feature on festival myths and legends for a newspaper. All this research came in handy when I started writing my book. I also spoke to people, read few articles online, saw videos on YouTube and photographs on Pinterest boards, to get a sense of each festival.
I completed the first draft in 12 days. Over the next few weeks I revised and with Tina’s help polished the book so that it could meet its publishing date. Tina held my hand throughout the process. 

Rayika Sen

In between I sent Rayika Sen, the illustrator, notes on how I wanted the illustrations to look. Rayika has done a brilliant job. And so has Sandhya Prabhat who has designed the cover and the cover illustrations.
This is the fastest book I have written, the toughest and the most fun. There are so many rituals in each festival that I would need more books to do them justice. Many people I spoke to had no clue why they performed a certain ritual. My mom follows a custom on Akshaya Tritiya (you will have to read the book to know what it is) her reason being, that when she got married my grandmother carried out this ritual and my mom has continued it. I hope my book throws light on many unknown customs behind festivals.
My book is different from other books on festivals because readers will not just get factual information but also celebrate an entire year of festivals with my protagonists: twins Natasha and Nikhil in a unique way. I created stories around each festival. A difficulty I faced was weaving in the festival details (the non-fiction part) into the story (the fiction part). I was determined that no child should skip the non-fiction element of the story. The festivals are celebrated differently throughout India and there is lots of yummy food involved.
My brief was not to make the book religious, but to describe the cultural aspects of festivals, the reason it is celebrated, when it is celebrated and in which part of our country. And I had a very tight word restriction. There are certain pan-Indian festivals everyone knows about, but people living in different parts of India are not very familiar with festivals celebrated in other parts of our country. My aim was to give an interesting overall view of all the festivals we celebrate, this makes the book relevant throughout the year. Every community finds a representation in my book. Hope you all will enjoy reading Festival Stories Through The Year.
Festival Stories Through The Year (HarperCollins Children’s Books) releases on 10th November. To order a copy of my book, click here.


  1. Hi Shyamala, its an honour to be on your wonderful blog. I enjoyed talking about how I wrote my book on Festivals. In many ways this was a blessed book, everything just fell into place quickly. I hope the readers enjoy reading the book as much as I did writing it.

  2. Now that was a fast first draft. I think the idea behind the book is brilliant and with a fictional story woven throughout, kids will really enjoy it. Just don't tell them they are learning...

    1. Hi Alex, thankyou for dropping by. Yes, it was a super quick first draft. My fingers are crossed that the kids will enjoy the fictional story as well as the non-fiction part.

  3. Nice post. Its admirable how Rachna Chhabria wrote the first draft in less than 2 weeks. Eager to read the book. It sounds very interesting. Have been reading her stories in Young world and her book reviews in Deccan Chronicle. Good luck to Rachna.

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